Thanks to our team of sleuths and the wonders of the internet, we have had great success in tracing our far-flung classmates. Here are the statistics as of 6 January 2024:
224 classmates are listed in our 1958-1961 cohort.
172 classmates were found and joined the website (34 since deceased)
8 classmates were found but did not wish to participate (1 since deceased)
78 classmates are confirmed deceased.
5 classmates cannot be found despite all our efforts. Please let us know if you have any information that might help us trace the classmates listed below -- e.g. email address or phone number; last known location; profession; name of present or past employer; hobbies or interests; name of spouse; name of close friends or relatives who might be able to help. Even wild rumours are welcome, as they have helped us locate members in the past! Just click on the "Contact Us" tab to send information. Thanks!